Insights - fiscal policy

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The Covid-19 recession: L comes after K?

17 Sep 2020 - Dario Perkins

It is a cliché to say everyone’s experience of the COVID-19 recession has been different, but no sell-side economist ever shies away from using cliché to construct a narrative. For some people – especially those on the.

#Recession #Fiscal Policy #Covid19 #Unemployment #Macro Picture

Last dance for US fiscal spending

23 Jul 2020 - Steven Blitz

Republican Senate Leader McConnell waited for this last minute to begin negotiating this“stimulus” package because he knew it would limit the bill’s scope. No side wants to see critical aspects of the CARES Act just.

#US Economy #Fiscal Policy #Unemployment #US Election #Deficit

Politics of unemployment to reign

26 Jun 2020 - Steven Blitz

As the economy reopens, the revealed recessionary environment will reflect the imbalance of the expansion just ended – a surplus of service-related workers with no obvious direction in which to go to find re-employment..

#Federal Reserve #Interest Rates #Fiscal Policy #Bear Market #Unemployment #US Election

Investors can’t rely on central banks

24 Jun 2020 - Dario Perkins

The bounce in global stock markets since March has been both spectacular and a bit puzzling. Despite widespread gloom among institutional investors about ‘fundamentals’ – concerning both the macro outlook and the.

#Central Banks #Federal Reserve #Liquidity #Equities #Fiscal Policy #Covid19 #Bear Market

Macro policy vs Covid-19 - Has policy done enough?

26 May 2020 - Dario Perkins

The recovery in investor sentiment since March has been impressive (even puzzling...). Back then, as the global economy entered lockdown, a “flight-to-safety” rapidly became disorderly, leading to an outright.

#Central Banks #Balance Sheet #Fiscal Policy #Covid19

The equity rebound - just another bulltrap?

01 May 2020 - Dario Perkins

Watching financial markets, it is tempting to think the worst of the COVID-19 crisis is over. Equity values have bounced and credit spreads have narrowed, even as the oil market continues to suffer alarming strains..

#Monetary Policy #Recession #Fiscal Policy #Covid19 #Bear Market #Bull Market

What can policymakers do?

03 Mar 2020 - Dario Perkins

Two weeks ago everyone was working with the same assumption about the coronavirus. China would contain the virus reasonably quickly and gradually reopen its factories. There would be some disruption to global supply.

#Central Banks #Fiscal Policy #Covid19

The case of the disappearing euros

09 Jan 2020 - Constantine Fraser

We’ve been saying for long time that a fiscal boost is necessary to rebalance the EA and to kickstart growth. At first glance, member states’ Draft Budgetary Plans (DBP) for 2020 suggest they’re starting to listen. But.

#European Central Bank #Eurozone #Fiscal Policy #Germany



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